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8:00 - 16:00

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Our Products

Window Units For Your Needs


Leaded glass selection designs

The many colours and designs that can be produced means leading is a creative option for windows, doors, cabinets, in both interior and exterior locations. The malleability property of the self adhesive lead makes it possible for beautiful and intricate designs to be produced.

Bevelled Glass

Bevelled mirror

We offer a wide range of bevels designs which are both intricate and elegant. The bevel designs are manufactured out of 5mm float with the edges bevelled down to 1.5mm – 1.8mm. The complex and striking designs are available in clear and green, blue, bronze and grey tints


Georgian style window with georgian bars

Georgian bar windows remain popular and can give a traditional and elegant look to windows and doors. We manufacture our Georgian patterns in 18mm, 25mm and 45mm on request.

Aluminium Spacers

aluminium spacers colour selection

The aluminium spacers use in our Units are available in White, Black, Silver, Bronze, Gold and Swisspacer. All spacers come in 4mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm, 18mm and 20mm.

Warm Edge Spacers

warm spacers colour selection

The warm edge spacers use in our Units are available in White, Black and grey. All spacers come in 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm, 18mm and 20mm.


georgian style window with duplex bar

Duplex spacers are designed to make a single sealed units look like lots of individual panes of glass. The result of using a duplex spacer is a window or door with the stylish aesthetics combined with the insulating properties of a sealed unit.